The Beholders Share

The Beholders Share
Opening Reception Friday Nov 10, 5-7pm
Show is on Nov 10- 29 

The Beholders Share project is a three year endeavour to highlight biodiversity loss and global warming through visual metaphors in both 2 and 3-D textile work. Images of flora, fauna and modern technology compete for space in a collage of imagery, materials and techniques. The "Beholders Share" is an Art term that speaks to a viewers role when taking in art. We bring all of our past experiences  to the table thus personal meaning to the work . With enjoyment, bewilderment , disgust or boredom, our brains finish the work- ultimately meaning all Art is collaborative. On the canvas of our environmental crisis we also participate in terms of environmental responsibility and our collaborative or destructive relationship with nature- which we in fact,are a part of not separate from. 

The Beholders Share is an exhibit of sketches - screenprinting, wax resist dying and chalk pastel on heavy watercolour paper. These sketches serve as explorations before moving on to silk using similar techniques. 
The 3-D folded origami- like works- some in silk and some in paper will be alongside the sketches. Over the span of three years the work jumps dramatically in scale mirroring the environmental impacts now being acutely felt, globally.